Thursday, October 9, 2008

...cuz now I'm strongggger! Than yesterday!

Another 2 points-for-the-title-reference post. Nobody seems to be interested in these points. Did you know that each point is worth $1? Soon there will be a store available where you can redeem your points. How cool would that be.

So I went to the gym on Monday. And on Wednesday. I feel fabulous, I tell you, simply fabulous. Oh and I'm also getting stronger. And leaner. Really. Today I was 171.8 lbs and 28% body fat. I haven't ever seen myself under 30% body fat. Heck I haven't seen under 31%! Wow, is all I can say. My quads are rock hard. They're also really sore.

I bench pressed 5 whole pounds yesterday! Yeah, that sounds real impressive now, doesn't it. Well don't forget that bar. That nearly 40 lb bar. I've always wondered (and have wondered through IM to some of you reading this already) if when someone says "yeah I can bench 100 lbs" if that means they put 100 lbs of weight onto the bar or if the weight they put + the weight of the bar = 100 lbs. Not sure. Would like to know. I can bench 5 lbs! just sounds pathetic haha.
Anyhow, I've never been able to complete all 5 sets at 5 reps at this heavy a weight before. I'm ecstatic!!!

I did some really great squatting on Monday. Or so I thought. I must be doing it wrong somehow still, because I didn't feel any soreness in my bum or hamstrings, just in my quads. But I got low. Real low. One rep I got so low on that I was literally on the floor. Literally. My bum was on the floor. As was the rest of me. Yeah, I fell over. Got down there, couldn't get back up, lost my balance, and toppled over. Hooray for the power rack saving me from being crushed by the bar! Also the bar had no additional weight on it, so I think I would have been fine all the same. But yeah, embarassing! My quads have been sore ever since. I almost didn't try squatting yesterday because of that, but then after a good warmup I was able to, so I went for it. I forgot I was supposed to be doing 5x5! I did 3x10 before I realized! Then I did 2x5 to round it out. This time also with 5 lbs :D Go me!

Some jerk broke the assisted pull up machine on Monday cuz he didn't want to be assisted. Well there's a damn pull up bar for that, mister! He broke it before I was able to use it. And the previous time, there was a personal trainer training both herself and her client on the pull up machine while I waited....and waited....and waited... How many freakin pull ups must one do?! They looked right at me waiting, and did not get off it. Finally after about 10 mins of watching them jump back and forth a dozen times, I gave up. It was still broken yesterday. Maka me sad. I can't come close to doing one unassisted. Even assisted I struggle. Sigh.

So yeah. Feeling pretty great. 160's, you shall be reached during October. That you shall. Or else!! I've also been generally in better spirits since I started this regimen last Thursday. I say generally cuz I still get bouts of road rage and frustrations, but overall I'm not down in the dumps as much. Which has been fabulous too.

What have you done today, to make you FEEEEEEEL proud!! Love Biggest Loser. That theme song puts me in SUCH a positive mood. And when I watch it after coming home from a work out, I feel GREAT hearing it!


Anonymous said...

I feel as though I should know. BUT I DONT!


I know from whence that came :)

have a great weekend you weight lifting wonder!


Alice said...

Britney Spear's Stronger! =) how about you just get me 1K points on Search Live games. ;D

Glad you're making progress, yay!

melissa said...

aww i was gonna say britney and someone beat me to it!